中国集成电路设计业2021年会 暨无锡集成电路产业创新发展高峰论坛(ICCAD 2021) CSIA-ICCAD 2021 Annual
Conference & Wuxi IC Industry Innovation and Development Summit 会议总结 Conference Summary
一、会议概况 I. Conference Overview
2021年12月22-23日,由中国半导体行业协会集成电路设计分会、“核高基”国家科技重大专项总体专家组、中国集成电路设计创新联盟共同主办, 中国半导体行业协会集成电路设计分会、江苏省半导体行业协会、无锡市半导体行业协会、江苏省产业技术研究院智能集成电路设计技术研究所、国家集成电路设计(无锡)产业化基地、上海芯媒会务服务有限公司和上海亚讯商务咨询有限公司共同承办的“中国集成电路设计业2021年会暨无锡集成电路产业创新发展高峰论坛”在无锡太湖国际博览中心隆重召开。这是继去年重庆成功召开之后由IC设计分会举办的第二十七届年会。
December 22 to December 23, 2021, “CSIA-ICCAD 2021 Annual Conference & Wuxi
IC Industry Innovation and Development Summit” was held in Wuxi Taihu International
Expo Center, as hosted by China Semiconductor Industry Association IC Design
Branch (CSIA - ICCAD), National S&T Major Project(NMP) 01 General Expert
Group and China Integrated Circuit Design Innovative Alliance, organized by, China
Semiconductor Industry Association IC Design Branch (CSIA-ICCAD), Jiangsu Semiconductor Industry Association, Wuxi Semiconductor
Industry Association, Jiangsu Industrial Technology Resarch Insitute
Intelligent Integrated Circuit Technology Institute, National IC Design Wuxi
Industrial Centre, Shanghai Xinmei Conference Service Co., Ltd. and Shanghai
Yaxun Shangwu Zixun Co., Ltd.; the event is the 27th Annual Conference by CSIA-ICCAD
after its successful holding in Chongqing.
本次年会深入探讨集成电路产业,特别是集成电路设计业面临的机遇和挑战;提升创新能力,增强中国集成电路产业链的综合能力,以满足市场的需求和提高国际竞争力。大会分为高峰论坛、专题研讨、产品展示三个部分。来自中国半导体行业协会、江苏省工信厅、无锡市政府与其他省市有关领导;“核高基”科技重大专项总体专家组成员;国内外有关专家;国家集成电路设计产业化基地代表;各相关行业协会的成员单位;集成电路设计企业及IP服务厂商、EDA(电子设计自动化工具)厂商、Foundry(代工)厂商、封装与测试厂商、设备与材料厂商、系统厂商、风险投资公司和有关媒体代表等近900家公司3200余人参加了会议。 The
theme of ICCAD 2021 deeply discuss IC industry, in particular the opportunities
and challenges of IC design industry facing, to upgrade innovation capability,
to strengthen the integration
capability of China IC Industry chain, to the need of the market and
advance the international competitive power,
which was divided into three parts: General Summit, Themed Seminars, and Product
Demonstrations. More than 3200 guests and nearly 900 companies to attended the
conference, including top officers from CSIA, Industry and
Information Technology Department of Jiangsu, the government officials of Wuxi and other China
provinces and cities; Members of National
S&T Major Project(NMP) 01 General Expert Group;
domestic and foreign experts; representatives from National IC Design
Industrialization Base; members of relevant industry associations; IC design
companies and IP service vendors, EDA (electronic design automation tools) manufacturers,
Foundry manufacturers, packaging and testing enterprises, equipment and
material enterprises, system manufacturers, venture capital firms and media representatives.
As highly praised by
all representatives and guests that presented there, the two-day conference was
capable to provide a platform for communication between enterprises from various
aspects of the IC industry chain, and establish an information exchange and
cooperation channel for Chinese IC design companies with partners, relevant
industry associations and intermediary organizations around the world
especially in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan in the field of technology, marketing,
applications, investment and so on. The success of annual conference would be importantly
significant to promoting establishment of high-end communication platform and
business cooperation opportunities for local industry also make profound impact
on promoting industrial integration, improvement of core competitiveness, and rapid
development of industrial scale.
二、会议宣传 II. Conference Publicity and Coverage
Before the conference
was held, conference timely information was reported and updated via the ICCAD’s
official website( and China Integrated Circuit
website(; Wechat Official Accounts: “ICCAD年会”and“CIC集成电路”; the magazine CHINA
INTEGRATED CIRCUIT made targeted publicity and coverage on the annual
conference from April 2021.
the conference, the conference organizers invited many professional print media
and online media to present and report, such as CHINA INTEGRATED CIRCUIT, SemiIngights,
EE Times, EEtrend online, Semiconductor Manufacturing, ICRank, Eefocus, Elecfans,
EETC, Techsugar, ICsmart, Jiweinet, etc. Meanwhile, the conference
organizers also organized elated media to executives of interview many famous
enterprises on site, including TSMC, Synopsys, Siemens EDA, VeriSilicon, Actt, S2C,
MooreElite, ICisC, Akrostar, Arm China, X-EPIC, MetaX, Giga, INNOSILICON,
三、高峰论坛 III. Summit
12月22日的开幕式由无锡市人民政府副秘书长周浩明主持,中国半导体行业协会执行秘书长靳阳葆、江苏省工信厅副厅长池宇、无锡市副市长高亚光为大会开幕式致辞,预祝大会圆满成功。 On December 22, the opening ceremony was presided
over by Mr. Haoming
Zhou, Deputy General Secretary of Wuxi Municipal
People's Government; the opening speech was
addressed by Mr. Yangbao Jin, Executive Secretary General of CSIA; Mr. Yu Chi, Deputy Director of
Industry and Information Technology Department of Jiangsu; Ms. Yaguang Gao, Deputy Mayor of
Wuxi Municipal People's Government, and they wish the conference a great a
success. 上午的高峰论坛由中国半导体行业协会IC设计分会秘书长程晋格主持,下午的高峰论坛由中国半导体行业协会集成电路设计分会副理事长戴伟民主持。中国半导体行业协会集成电路设计分会理事长魏少军教授为大会做了题为《实干推动设计业不断进步》的主旨报告。 The morning summit was
presided over by Mr. Jinge Cheng,
General Secretary, CSIA-ICCAD, and the afternoon summit was hosted by Wayne Dai, Vice General Director, CSIA-ICCAD.
Prof. Shaojun Wei, General Director, CSIA-ICCAD gave a report themed at “Working Hard Toward Excellence”.
本次统计涵盖2810家设计企业,比2020年的2218家多了592家。初步统计表明,2021年全行业销售收入预计为4586.9亿元,比2020年的3819.4亿元增长20.1%,增速比上年的23.8%降低了3.7个百分点。按照美元与人民币1:6.5的兑换率,全年销售约为705.7亿美元,预计占全球集成电路产品销售收入的比例会有所提升. The scope of statistics data covered 2810 design enterprises and increased by 592 over 2218 in 2020. It is shown from preliminary statistics that the industry-wide sales revenue is estimated to 458.69 billion yuan in 2021, and increases by 20.1 % over 381.94 billion yuan in 2020, the growth rate was 3.7% down than the previous year's 23.8%. According to the exchange rate between USD and RMB: 1: 6.5, the annual sales revenue about 70.57 billion US dollars, and it is expected to account for a higher proportion of global IC product sales revenue.
四、专题论坛 IV. Themed Forums 专题论坛是集成电路行业信息沟通与技术交流的重要平台。第二天的会议以六个分会场同步的形式举办了六场专题论坛,包括“IP与IC设计服务”、“EDA与IC设计创新”、“FOUNDRY与工艺技术”、“先进封装与测试”、“资本与IC设计业”、 “IC设计与应用”、“无锡集成电路创新发展论坛”等专题。精彩内容使得会场座无虚席,让参会代表受益匪浅。
Themed forums are
regarded as an important platform for information communication and technology
exchange in integrated circuit industry. In the second day, total seven themed
forums were held in six venues respectively at the same time, including “IP and
IC Design”, “EDA and IC Design Innovation”, “Foundry and Process Technology”, “Advanced Packaging and Testing”,
“Capital and IC Design Industry”, “IC
Design & Application” and
“Wuxi IC Innovation
and Development Forum”,
etc. Such the exciting presentations were highly welcomed and attractive, and
participants also benefited a lot by sharing.
五、展览 V. Exhibition 此次年会的专业展览吸引了Cadence、西门子EDA、Synopsys、TSMC、和舰、芯原、国微思尔芯、中芯国际、安谋科技、华大九天、华力、平头哥、摩尔精英、鸿芯微纳、芯耀辉、格芯、ICisC、华润微电子、芯华章、概伦电子、芯动科技、沐曦、Tower Semiconductor、锐成芯微等238家国内外知名企业参展,向业界展示他们的最新技术与产品。
During the annual conference, the professional exhibition gathered 283 well-known exhibitors to show their latest technologies and products, such as Cadence, Siemens EDA, Synopsys, TSMC, HeJian, VeriSilicon, S2C, SMIC, Arm China, Empyrean, HLMC, T-Head, MooreElite, Giga, Akrostar, GLOBALFOUNDRIES, ICisC, CR Micro, X-EPIC, Primarius, INNOSILICON, MetaX, Tower Semiconductor, Actt, etc.
六、颁奖典礼和会旗交接 VI. Award Ceremony
and Flag Handover 为进一步鼓励我国IC设计企业技术先进性与产业化并重,稳步发展,提升我国IC设计业的总体竞争力,在全行业内树立榜样,起到示范带动作用,中国半导体行业协会IC设计分会联合《中国集成电路》杂志社,自2012年开始进行“中国IC设计业年度企业家”评选活动。在产业共同的瞩目下,12月22日在本次年会的高峰论坛上,主办方公布了“中国IC设计业2021年度企业家”评选结果,并举行了隆重的颁奖盛典:杭州士兰微电子股份有限公司总裁郑少波先生力压群雄,一举夺得2021中国IC设计业年度企业家桂冠,西安微电子技术研究所所长唐磊先生和北京华大九天科技股份有限公司董事长刘伟平先生摘得2021中国IC设计业年度企业家提名奖。中国半导体行业协会IC设计分会理事长魏少军为获奖企业家颁发了奖杯及获奖证书。
In order to further encourage the IC design enterprises
of our country to pay equal attention to technical advancement and industrialization,
with stable development, and improvement of the overall competitiveness of IC
design industry, and to set a good example for whole industry, the IC Design
Branch of China Semiconductor Industry Association, combining with China IC periodical
office, started to hold a campaign on “Annual Entrepreneur of China IC Design
Industry” since 2012. Witnessed by the industry, on December 22, in this Summit,
the organizer published the result of “Annual Entrepreneur of China IC Design
Industry of 2021” and held a grand award ceremony; Mr.
Shaobo Zheng, President of Silan, was awarded the title “Annual Entrepreneur in
China's IC Design Industry 2021”, Mr. Lei Tang, Director of Xi’an Microelectronics Technology Institute, and Mr. Weiping Liu, Chairman
of Empyrean won the award nomination
because of their outstanding performance. Shaojun Wei, General Director of CSIA-ICCAD
awarded the cups and award certificates for the awardees.
After the Award Ceremony, Prof. Shaojun Wei, General Director of CSIA-ICCAD, announced that ICCAD 2022 would be held in Guangzhou, thus the flag was handed over from Wuxi to Guangzhou.
七、承办方本地产业的贡献 VII.
Contribution on Promoting Chongqing IC Industry 此次会议的规模、层次、影响力均不亚于以往任何一届。它的召开为业界认识无锡、更加深入了解无锡集成电路政策和产业环境打开了一扇窗口,为无锡全面启动集成电路产业大招商、招大商、规模化、国际化提供了一个宣传的平台,可以更好地发挥无锡的地域优势,统筹产业资源,培育核心技术。
scale, attendees’ position and influence were at record highs this year. The
Annual Conference helped people learn more about Wuxi, and provided a channel
for further understanding on policy and situation in local integrated circuit
industry, also created an investment promotion platform for attracting more,
larger and international manufacturers, thus utilizing geographical advantages of
Wuxi more effectively, integrating industrial resources, and developing core
八、数据统计分析 VIII.
Statistical Analysis (一)参展企业统计
(A) Statistical
Analysis on Exhibiting Companies
(B) Statistical
Analysis on Participants
(C) Statistics
Analysis on Geographical Distribution of Participants
(D) Statistics
Analysis on Working Nature of Participants
中国半导体行业协会集成电路设计分会/市场联络部 CSIA-ICCAD / Marketing
2021.12 |