

The State of art and Prospective of Intelligent Hearing Aid Technology with Mobile Communication Platform





Zhihua WANG

Professor of Tsinghua University



王志华,清华大学教授,IEEE会士。长期从事以信息技术为核心的医疗器械的研究与开发。截止201612月,与同事和学生一起,发表SCI收录期刊论文计160篇,国际会议论文计439篇,授权美国专利7项,授权中国专利121项,出版学术专著与教材11部,多次获得省市级及国家级科技奖励。曾担任国家863计划信息领域专家,核高基重大专项咨询委员会专家,证监会创业板上市发行审查委员会委员等兼职,现任IEEE 固态电路学会执行委员。


Wang Zhihua, Professor of Tsinghua University, IEEE Fellow. Has long been engaged in research and development of medical devices based on electronic technology. As of December 2016, together with colleagues and students, 160 papers were published  and cited by Scientific Citation Index, CI papers, 439 papers were presented at international conference, 7 US patents, and 121 Chinese patents were authorized, 11 books and/or book chapters were published as the academic monographs or text book. A few awards had been Issued to him for the contribution of progress in science and technology by provincial, municipal and national government authority. He has served as Chief Scientist of China Ministry of Science, and Technology Expert Committee Member, China 863 Program, in the area of Information Science and Technologies, an expert member of advisory committee of national Program for the development of kernel electronic components, high-end general-purpose chips and basic software products, and a Member, China Securities Regulatory Commission IPO Review Committee. He is currently an AdCom member of the IEEE Solid State Circuit Society.



据世界卫生组织统计,全球残疾性听力损伤患者3.6亿,占人口5.3% 。随年龄增长,听力损失程度逐渐加重,约1/365岁以上老年人存在残疾性(//极重度)听力损失。这些人难以与人交流,影响日常生活和安全,导致孤独、隔绝和挫折感等心理问题。约36.4%老年痴呆与耳聋关联,中/重度听损患老年痴呆概率增加3~5倍。助听器是解决耳聋的最有效实用方法,助听器根据听力损伤特性定制化放大声音,提高听力又不损伤残余听力。耳聋又不戴助听器会导致大脑语言处理能力下降,听力损失加速。2016年全球助听设备市场约为150亿美元,其中助听器生产厂家销售额约42亿美元;验配零售Retail市场约为100亿美元。中国人口约14亿占全球18.8%,但其助听器年销售额仅占世界市场4%。这其中的主要原因有三,即声音处理的质量,价格及验配服务。本文介绍一种利用移动通信(计算)平台的新型双耳助听设备。其利用双耳特征提高了对环境及患者的适应性;利用移动计算平台支撑算法实现,降低的助听设备的尺寸,简化了听力测试过程,提高了服务质量及用户体验。


According to the statistics from WHO (World Health Organization), the global disabled hearing loss patients has been 360 million, accounting for 5.3% of the population. With age, hearing loss gradually increased, about 1/3 of the elderly over age 65 there is disability hearing loss (moderate / heavy / severe). These people are difficult to communicate with people, affecting daily life and safety, leading to psychological problems such as loneliness, isolation and frustration. About 36.4% of dementia are associated with deafness. It is increased the risk of senile dementia about 3 to 5 times by moderate / severe hearing loss. Hearing aids are the most effective and practical way to help patients with improvement of hearing. It can customize the sound according to the hearing impairment characteristics, improves hearing and does not damage the residual hearing. Deafness and hearing aids can cause brain language processing capacity to decline, hearing loss accelerated. In year 2016, the global market of hearing aid equipment is about 15 billion US dollars, of which the sales of hearing aid manufacturers about 4.2 billion US dollars; the market of fitting retail is about 100 billion US dollars. The population of China is about 1.4 billion accounted for 18.8% of the world, but the annual sales of hearing aid accounted for only 4% of the world market. There are three main reasons for this phenomenon, the quality of sound processing inside hearing aids, price and fitting services. A new binaural hearing aid device is proposed in this report to utilize a mobile communication (computing) platform. The binaural sound information are used to improve the adaptability to the environment, and a mobile computing platform is used to implement the delicate algorithm and to reduce the size of the hearing aid equipment, and to simplify the listening test process, improve the quality of service and user experience.

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